Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lately In School...

We've had our Athletics Carnival! Mackillop versed Steele and O'shea on tug or war and they won,but that was the 1st round .The 2nd round when Mackillop vs Steele steele won 'cause they had help from Mackillop on their side. :( In the 200 metre I told myself to jog so didn't feel so bad when I came 5th.In the 100 I came 5th AGAIN but I don't care.In the 800 I was coming 2nd in the begging then Chloe.P came up behind me and passed me and Stephanie.I was 3rd for the rest of the way ....... untill the very very end Meg and Riley passed me I came 5th again maybe next year I'll do better!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Family History Reflection

Lately in class (6a) we've been doing our unit on our family history. I've learnt more about my Dads side of the family and why my Dad came to Australia. My Dad came to Australia in 1975 with his one brother two sisters and his parents. I did my Dad because I had more information on my Dads arrival then my Mums side.My dad came on the Goverment Assist Passage in 1975.